In which we talk about our own battles with depression and anxiety, applaud Doctor Who for tackling difficult issues, read beautiful poetry and there's probably a joke in there somewhere too.
"She's not tackling her own trauma at all because she's spending all her time entertaining her companions."
Reviews:Can You Hear Me? Air Date: 9th February 2020 Song:What if Gods Were Arseholes? based on One of Us by Joan Osborne Sketches:Nightmare Season by Chris Fosten. Alternative Reactions by Chris Fosten. Haiku:Dark visions point them/ to jailed nightmarish prankster/ they stay bottled up Additional notes: Laura had a cold recording this episode. In the edit there were A LOT of cuts which were just removing mucus-choked sneezes and coughs. Like a lot a lot. You wouldn't believe how many.
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